How to install and use the software
- Software installation and activation guide
- Initial settings
- Daily operations
- Exchange counter / one-step operation
- Money transfer (remittance) operation / three steps
- Other daily operations
- Currency transfer - a situation where both the debtor and the creditor are of the same currency and of course the original account has some balance
- Example of an electricity bill payment voucher
- Definition of employees / advance payments / payment of salaries
- Example of an income voucher
- Coinages - An example of buying gold coins
- An example of selling golden coins and receiving multiple currencies in return
- An example of buying and selling silver
- The customer holds some amount in your bank account for future transactions
- How to import the balance of an account in a voucher
- Changing a locked voucher
- Deleting a voucher
- Printing receipt vouchers and payment vouchers for customers
- Search
- Searching for vouchers by voucher number
- Searching across all vouchers by entering part of the voucher description
- Filtering accounts to find a specific account
- Filtering vouchers by voucher type
- Filtering vouchers by grouping number
- Combined filtering
- Reports
- Ledger book and ledger balances everywhere / four main reports on the right mouse button
- Day book
- List of unlocked vouchers
- Profit and loss report and balance sheet
- Daily profit report
- How to calculate profit and loss in exchange software / How to control
- Report Generator
- Voucher statistics
- Monthly profit and loss chart
- Chart on expenses / income
- Generating report as a PDF file
- Sending customer invoices in bulk via email
- Requesting payment to the intermediary
- If you have customers who give you a list of people and their account numbers and ask you to pay amounts to those accounts on their behalf, use this section of the software. (Vouchers menu - Requesting payment to the intermediary)
- Overview / Introduction to this section
- posting a sample voucher for the Requesting payment to the intermediary section
- Reviewing different types of data entry for the Requesting payment to the intermediary section
- Summary tutorial on the Requesting payment to the intermediary section (What is the use of the column "Supposed to pay")
- Reports related to the column "Supposed to pay"
- What information do your customers see on their mobile phones?
- Special operations
- Designing report letter head and placing the company logo
- Defining a new currency that is not on the list
- Automatically generating voucher related to bank transactions from Excel files
- Defining users and their access permissions
- Definition of fixed assets
- Creating backup file
- Restoring the Backup file
- Sending reports to Excel
- Importing from Excel
- How to attach a photo as an attachment to a voucher
- When you check your ledger book with a customer, how do you record how far this check has already been completed?
- Sending email to the customer
- How to enable a customer to check his account statement online using his mobile phone
- How to search for a specific amount in the list of deposits or payments to a customer
- How to enter tracking / receipt numbers in deposit registrations to prevent duplicate numbers from being registered?
- Erase and reset all data
- Contacting to AFG Software Company
- Year-end operations
- A quick and easy way is to not create a new fiscal period at all. Just move the end date of the previous fiscal period forward by one year
- ---------- If you decide to create a new financial period. Follow the steps below ----------
- Define a new fiscal period - if your database is Access
- Define a new fiscal period - if you are using a SQL Server database
- Instructions for closing accounts in the previous year and transferring the balances to the new year
- Network operations
- If your database is MS Access
- Networking with Access Database
- If you are using a SQL Server database
- SQL Server database user definition
- Creating a SQL Server database
- Connect client computer software to the SQL Server database
- Updating and downloading new versions of the program and transferring the software to a new computer
- Update and receiving new versions via the Internet
- Manual upgrade from an upgraded computer
- How to transfer the software from one computer to another